Hi Blogers
Term has come to an end I have had so much with my friends and Teachers Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dods in my class. I hope that next term we can do some more thing that I have not done before. Recently I leart how to do a Hiko pome which is were you have to have 5 silables in the first sentist and in the second do have to have seven syllables and in the third you have to have five again. I found it really fun when I did it hard but when I had done one then I kind of got the hang of it and found it really fun here is a pic.
Hope you liked it and I have learnt how to do a Found pome whiic is were you get a peace of writing and then circle your words that you like, after that you can go over the word that you did not cicle with a Mark or a coloured pen, I found It really fun and easy here is a nother pic of it
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I hope you liked my last blog for the term good luck.
Untill next time Good bye bye
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